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It is the goal of the Calallen Education Foundation (CEF) to provide maximum support to all educators and students within Calallen ISD.  We encourage any Calallen educator with a creative and innovative program, project, or initiative that needs funding to apply for a Calallen Education Foundation grant! 


The program, project, or initiative must be sustainable for years to come, benefiting students on an ongoing basis.  All applications must be typed.  The cover page with signatures should be separated from the rest of the application.  Submit by emailing the completed cover page AND application with all attachments in two PDF files to Video explanation is required but must be under 3 minutes. The content of the video will be judged not the technicality. 


Grants with attachments must be under 15 pages. 


Grants will be awarded before the semester ends.  All items purchased with CEF grant funds remain the property of Calallen ISD.


The grant application will be reviewed and scored considering the following criteria.  A minimum score of 80 must be achieved to be considered for funding:


Overview/Objective:  A description of how this program, project, or initiative is relevant, appropriate, and designed to enrich learning is included. Please include the total number of students benefiting within the first year should the grant be funded. (10 points)


Innovation/Creativity:  The program, project, or initiative includes an innovative/creative approach to teaching or learning that goes above and beyond the usual classroom requirements. (25 points)


Lesson Plan with TEKS:  The program, project or initiative is well thought and its use is clearly explained within a lesson plan that includes the TEKS that will be achieved.  The lesson plan is included with the application. (20 points)


Evaluation/Assessment:  The proposal includes a meaningful way to evaluate the results of the program, project, or initiative. (10 points)


Sustainability:  Explain how the program, project, or initiative will enrich classroom learning/teaching now and into the future (10 points)


Budget:  The expenditures outlined in the application are reasonable and do not duplicate the expenditures by CISD. (5 points)


Overall Presentation:  The application represents high standards reflected in the proper use of grammar, accurate spelling, and quality content. (10 points)


Video: REQUIRED! The video should be under 3 minutes and briefly explain the grant. The content will be judged not the technicality or design. Email video to (10 points)

Please click on the link below to download the standard grant application.   For a hard copy of the Rubric, click here


Best Practices

  • When submitting your video, just be yourself! Calmly explain your grant and how you would use it in your classroom. If applicable, show the judges where or how it would be used in the classroom. This video can be taken with your phone.

  • TEKS are a very big part of the grant. Please do not forget to explain how the items in your grant will greatly impact the teaching of the TEKS. Show examples.

  • If using articles to show data or as a resource, do not attach the entire article. Just source the article and insert the section you are referencing. 

  • CEF will not fund school field trips, incentives, basic furniture or grants that will not last for multiple class years. 

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Calallen Education Foundation    |   4205 Wildcat Drive   |   Corpus Christi, TX 78410   |   361.242.5987

EIN: 26-4252668

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